Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday Morning Prayers

I did not do a good job at preparing myself for worship yesterday morning. I went to bed upset at Tanya. I woke up thinking about getting Kayla ready for church. I watched the weather channel and a little sports center. Not good. Then, of all things in the world, I caught a little bit of MTV's Laguna Beach. WHAT!!?? Why was I watching that!?

Needless to say, I was not ready to encounter the living God in worship. When I went to class, only one student showed up. We talked a little bit, and then I decided that we better pray. I was mainly wanting to pray about students who weren't showing up. That they would get a little dedication in their lives. That they would wake up for class. That they would take God seriously.

As I prayed (even as Tanya and Spencer prayed), God showed me that I was just like them. I needed a little dedication, a little waking up, a little taking God seriously. God's presence through that prayer encouraged me a little bit, but helped focus my time for corporate worship.

Prayer bombs are on their way. In order for God to work through our students, he must first work through me. May your Spirit empower me to pray for our students. Give me the burden to sacrifice myself before your altar, God. Keep me in your path. Amen.

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