Monday, March 20, 2006


Well we are back from Mexico. I must say that it is good to be home. I really missed my bride and my daughter. Next year (I have already told Tanya) she is going with us.

I have committed to taking my Spanish to another level. Because I was put in the situation during our trip as one of the only translators, my inadequacy was made very obvious. While I was still able to communicate effectively, all my weak areas came to the front. Thus, I need to slowly take it to the next level. At least 5 times a week I will read an article in Spanish making sure I understand every little aspect of the language. At least 5 times a week I will watch at least 30 minutes of a TV show in Spanish (preferably the news). At least 5 times a week I will also be reading out loud the Bible in Spanish. Finally, I will only speak to Kayla in Spanish. I might even throw in learning 10 new words a week. So, I will be refining my skills in comprehension, listening, and speaking.

I pray that slowly I will refine my skills in Spanish.

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