Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blog Transition to Greater Excellence

Well...it is time for me to move this blog to a new platform on GreaterExcellence.com. As I have announced my resignation as full-time, paid campus minister at Huntsville Church of Christ, I am beginning a new journey to extend the kingdom of God in the marketplace through greater excellence as a graphic designer.

In addition to blogging about my journey into the marketplace, I plan on providing high-quality design resources for other designers looking to participate in greater excellence in the marketplace.

I'd love for you to join me on this journey toward being church by signing up to receive my new blog posts at GreaterExcellence.com.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Secret of Leadership: SERVE

As a question guy, I love it when I run across practical questions that help you get going in a good direction. I thought you'd enjoy this post from Leadership Freak.

Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller capture, “The Secret,” of leadership in five letters, SERVE. The beauty of SERVE is inescapable simplicity and actionable clarity.


See the future: envision and communicate a compelling picture of a preferred future.
  • What do I want to be true of the future?
  • Why should anyone care?
  • How will progress be measured?


Engage and develop others: recruit and align people for the right job. Create environments where people bring vision to life.
  • What invited my engagement in the past?
  • Which of these factors are missing in those I lead?
  • How can I help teams and individuals grow?


Reinvent continuously: continuously focus on improvement.
  • How do I need to change?
  • Where do I want different outcomes?
  • What organizational changes will accelerate progress?


Value results and relationships: generate measurable results andcultivate great relationships.
  • Which is my personal bias as a leader – results or relationships?
  • How can I compensate for the area that’s not my personal strength?
  • What happens if I don’t broaden my definition of success?


Embody values: live fully aligned with stated values.
  • What values do I want to drive behaviors in my organization?
  • How can I communicate these values?
  • What are my actions communicating?


Which question do you find most helpful in your leadership?