To be learned and able to discuss the Trinity will get you nowhere without humility, and therefore displease the Holy Trinity. Lofty words will never save you or make you a Saint; only a virtuous life makes you dear to God. It is better to experience contrition than to be able to define it. --Thomas a Kempis
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Heart of God
Monday, August 18, 2008
Wrestle God
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The One Shot
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
What Right Do I Have?
“What right do I have, a person called by God, confirmed by the Holy Spirit, and spurred on by divine love…what right do I have to expect something out of any of you in regards to living God’s way of life?
My answer is threefold:
One…I have NO RIGHT.
I have no right to expect something out of you. I have no meaningful relationship with you. I don’t really know you. I might know of you, but I don’t know you. I don’t go with you to work or to have fun. I haven’t been in your home. I see you here in the building occasionally. But, I don’t have your trust. I am not an influential person in your life. So, I have no right to speak any expectations into your life.
Two…I have SOME RIGHT.
I have some right to expect something out of you. As a fellow human being I understand the struggles you have, the temptations to turn away from God. I do know you more than you think. I also know what God intended for his creation. I know it is good and beautiful and full. I know God’s love for us. I know how God desires to mend the broken relationship. So, I have some right to speak some expectations into your life.
Three…I have EVERY RIGHT.
I have every right to expect something out of you. I am your example. I am your minister. I am your servant. I am your leader. I am your pastor. I am your shepherd. When you listen to my words it is as if God is speaking. His spirit directs my spirit. His movements are my movements; there is no difference between us. Everything that has been created, has been created through me. So, I have every right to speak expectations into your life.
I expect you to give up your rights and follow me. Or do you not understand when I said, ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’ Yes, I am Jesus…the one who died…for you.”
I, Chris, ask this: are you spending time with our Lord and letting him speak expectations into your life?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
God's Process
Monday, August 11, 2008
Organization, Part 2
Kats for Christ Name Change
In years past we have been called "The Bible Chair" (some still call us that) or "The Church of Christ Bible Chair" or "The Church of Christ Student Center."
First Reason
We need to point others to Jesus rather than to a particular denomination. This is shaped mostly by my meditation on the stories of Jesus. I hear Jesus' words burning in my heart. "But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." "...any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple."
Second Reason
The students on campus are starving for the heavenly feast of Jesus. They need a safe place to come where they can encounter our Lord without any strings attached. And unfortunately (right now anyway) our church buildings are unsafe. Innocently, as students come to our church buildings we exalt the church building or being a part of our denomination rather than Jesus. We invite them to potlucks, to worship services, to whatever other events we can create. These are good! Hear me! At the same time, we force them to fill out this card so we can contact them later, we lock them in to hear our little spiel, or we stigmatize them as outsiders in the way that we talk about belonging to our group.
It seems like Jesus allowed people to belong to him publicly without forcing himself into their "space." He fed thousands and seemed to be okay with this. Even those who come looking for him afterwards in John 6:25ff. (presumably at their own initiative) are met with more admonitions to work for eternal life kind of food. In Luke 7:1-10 Jesus could have easily forced himself into the centurion's house; he was even on the way. Yet, when he hears this, he stops and reveals the surprising example of faith (rampant in Luke) to the crowds following him!
Jesus never told the centurion to fill out a card if he wants to really belong to the faithful. Jesus never admonished the centurion that he needs to have more faith. He simply and safely meets people where they are and allows them to belong without any pharisaical strings.
Interestingly enough, simply changing the name on our building from "Church of Christ Student Center" to "Kats for Christ" will tremendously help us create a safe place for those looking simply to belong to Jesus.
Third Reason
We have to change our initial conversations to focus more on Jesus! We must spread the fragrance of Christ wherever we go! We must stop creating a hurdle for students in their search for Jesus! Our name has been creating that hurdle!
Consider the hypothetical (yet incredibly normal) conversation below. Notice the trajectory of the conversation, even if we say the exact same thing after their first question.
In today's campus environment all kinds of red flags go up for students when they sense exclusiveness from anyone...even if they are part of a particular denomination. It makes them incredibly uncomfortable to know that someone would reject another believer's beliefs based solely on their denomination. And they will avoid any Christian group that even "seems" to give that impression with their name.
Change the name, change the conversation! Change the name, change the fragrance!
Consider these new conversations that I anticipate becoming normal:
Sure, if someone wanted to know, they will eventually ask. We have no reason to hide that we are supported by Huntsville Church of Christ and carry many of its traditions. What is important in today's campus culture is the center of the conversation: Jesus! The fragrance of Christ is spread more readily with something as simple as a new name.
Name Change
Our name is an expression of our character, our values, and our focus. We seek to train and mature disciples of Jesus.
We are Kats for Christ.